The following tweets were published in order to establish an Islamic etiquette in tweeting – #TwitterFiqh.

Remember these wise words:

  1. Do not feel entitled to comment negatively on something you disagree with. You do not have the right to criticize and critique everything.
  2. Leave off what doesn’t concern you directly/personally and turn to that which concerns you personally.
  3. If you have nothing good to say, keep quiet.
  4. It is a form of deception to transmit everything you hear or read from one group to others.
  5. The one who carries a tale from one person to another to cause dissension shall not enter Jannah.
  6. To speak truthfully about someone not present in a way that they would dislike is sinful gheebah, punishable in the grave and hereafter.
  7. Advice is intended to be sincere (meaning intimate, personal, and best done privately according to your ability [see one & two]).
  8. DON’T ever speak on behalf of Allah. You have an opinion that was taught to you. OTHERS have opinions too.
  9. Love for others what you would love for yourself.
  10. The one who shelters the mistake of someone, Allah will conceal their mistakes.

Bonus: Look to yourself before you look to others.

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